Start Working Out Smarter!
Now you can achieve a better, stronger, more capable body with Herbalife24FIT.
This 24-week DVD workout program is led by top fitness experts and developed by Herbalife with the renowned physical therapist and performance specialist Robert Forster.
Tom Holland and Samantha Clayton are the co hosts for the DVD Series

Why is Herbalife 24Fit better than other home workout programmes?
Herbalife24Fit gradually increases in intensity so you dont workour harder you workout smarter.
Herbalife24Fit addresses common vulnerabilities of the human body regardless of age or previous activity level.
Herbalife24Fit over the 24 week program trains your body to burn fat instead of carbs!
At any age, any condition, anyone can build a better body with Herbalife24FIT, because it offers three levels of difficulty so you can work out at the level that is right for you!
Why 24 Fit DVDs?
Buy the Herbalife 24 Fit DVDs – Contact us for details about availability in your country: [email protected]