20 Ways Exercise Improves Health and Function

There are a hundred ways to exercises but we can lump exercise into three broad categories: strength training (weightlifting, core training), cardiovascular conditioning (running, cycling, aerobics), and flexibility training (yoga, stretching).  Let’s look at the specific ways in which each promotes optimal health and function:

Flexibility Training24-fit-workout-program-jpeg

  1. Improves range of motion
  2. Reduces risk of injury
  3. Reduces post-workout soreness
  4. Improves posture
  5. Improves circulation to muscles
  6. Enhances neuro-muscular coordination
  7. Improves balance

Cardiovascular Conditioning

  1. Increases oxygen intake
  2. Increases the body’s oxygen use efficiency
  3. Increases cardiac output and efficiency
  4. Increases blood volume
  5. Improves stamina
  6. Improves lung health and capacity
  7. Reduces blood pressure and lowers resting heart rate
  8. Improves cholesterol ratio (HDL/LDL)
  9. Increases insulin sensitivity
  10. Improves circulation to active muscles
  11. Decreases symptoms of anxiety and depression

Strength Training

  1. Maintains strength and power
  2. Increases lean body mass
  3. Greater core strength prevents back problems
  4. Boosts metabolic rate by up to 15%, aiding in weight control
  5. Prevents osteoporosis
  6. Increases ligament tensile strength
  7. Increases tendon tensile strength

The 24 Fit Programme, developed by Robert Forster in conjunction with Herbalife , includes stretching exercises, metabolic workouts and strength training.  Forster of Santa Monica is a physical therapist and is Founder and CEO of Phase IV Scientific Health and Performance Center in Santa Monica California specializing in rehabilitation and health and fitness programs for athletes and the general public.

One  key to exercises is to find something that you can do on regular basis that dosent take too long i.e. 30 minutes, thats habit forming. With 24Fit alternate daily between cardio and strength training exercises, and include flexibility /stretching exercises with every workout.

Take the 24 Fit Challenge

Thanks to Dr. Louis Ignarro and Dr. Andrew Myers for this list. Health Is Wealth

Metabolism and Weight Loss

Metabolism and weight lossIf you are trying to lose weight or just wanting to maintain your body weight as you age, increasing your metabolic rate (the amount of energy expended per day) is the key to sustainable weight loss. There are many ways to give your metabolism a boost – including exercising at the right intensity, eating right, and putting on more muscle.

This includes aerobic workouts to burn more calories in the short term, and weight training to build the muscles that will boost your metabolism in the long run.

Strength training with weights or other forms of resistance,(like bands) will increase muscle mass. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat; therefore the more lean body mass you have the higher your metabolism will be. Incorporating a sound weight training plan to your routine will significantly speed up the weight loss process.   Since muscle burns more calories than fat — even while at rest — the more muscles you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate, which means the more calories your body will be burning just to sustain you

Every pound of muscle in our bodies burns 7-10 calories a day, while each pound of fat burns just 2 calories per day.   While 30 minutes of aerobic exercise may burn more calories than 30 minutes of weight training. In the hours following the cessation of exercise, the weight training has a longer-lasting effect on boosting metabolism.

Having extra muscle also means you can eat more and gain less. Some women fear they’ll “bulk up” with weight training. But women don’t have the hormones necessary to develop those huge muscles, so you can feel good about doing weight training.

Your best bet for keeping metabolism revved: Build muscles, snack on low-calorie, high-protein foods, and keep moving!  
